The chemicals released in the human body by glands are known as hormones. Human growth hormone or HGH is also a hormone released by the pituitary gland present in the human body. It is responsible for the growth of cells, tissues, muscles, and bones in the human body. It also regulates metabolism-related activities in the body.
Sometimes, there are many cases in which, because of genetic or physical reasons, the body cannot make a sufficient amount of HGH, and doctors, in such cases treatment use synthetic HGH in the form of pills and powders. But also, with age, there is a decrease in the amount of HGH production in the body, and because of this, many people are in search of over the counter hgh.
What is an Over-the-Counter Market?
Over-the-counter market or OTC is a market in which there is no third-person role between seller and buyer, or we can say there is no broker or contractor between buyer and seller. OTC is a decentralized market. One of the prominent features of OTC is that deals never take place physically; in this, deals are always taking place through electronic mediums. OTC markets have fewer rules and regulations, which are less transparent.
Over-the-counter HGH
Over-the-counter hgh is the synthetic human growth hormone in pills or powders sold directly to the person without demanding any prescription from the doctor or any health professional. There is a very large demand for OTC HGH because people used to intake synthetic HGH to increase their athletic performance and increase their muscle. Some people also used to consume synthetic HGH as an anti-aging supplement. As doctors and health professionals don’t recommend synthetic HGH for such reasons, people need OTC HGH so that they can directly buy HGH pills without a prescription from the doctors.
Is it Good to have OTC HGH?
Intake of synthetic HGH must be done after proper consultation with the doctors. OTC HGH encourages people to consume HGH pills as anti-aging and power supplements. It is needed to stop sales of OTC HGH so that only those with proper doctor’s prescriptions can buy and consume it, and the rest of the people don’t consume it like a drug.
OTC HGH is synthetic HGH that anyone can buy without a doctor’s prescription, and it encourages many people to buy and consume it directly.